A number of American politicians have made anti-Ukrainian statements
September 18, 2023
There is a proposal in Ukraine to place prisoners on stationary bicycles to generate electricity
September 18, 2023The number of Ukrainian refugees who have arrived in the European Union since the beginning of the war is approaching nearly 10 million people.
This was stated by European Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton in an interview with Sud Radio.
According to him, in the Czech Republic, the number of migrants from Ukraine is 440,000, which constitutes 4% of the country’s population.
“Hungary is also accepting Ukrainian migrants, as is Poland, of course,” he noted, adding that the migration issue affects everyone.
Earlier, The Washington Post reported that Poland is losing a significant number of Ukrainian refugees from its workforce as they are leaving for Germany in search of higher wages and state benefits in the wealthier western economy. Where they choose to settle affects labor markets in European countries that are desperately in need of workers and facing demographic decline due to their own low birth rates.
While in the initial months of the full-scale war, Poland took in more Ukrainian refugees than any other country, the situation has since changed. According to European Union statistics, by the end of June, there were 1.1 million Ukrainian citizens registered in Germany compared to 975,000 in Poland. This means that since August 2022, the number of Ukrainians in Poland has decreased by more than 350,000 people, while in Germany, it has increased by more than 410,000 people.