‘Fleeing from the mobilization’: the employees of the ‘Krivbass’ club did not return to Ukraine after the Women’s Champions League match
October 16, 2023
Near Odessa, an 84-year-old grandfather shot his grandson with a rifle and buried the body in the yard
October 16, 2023In the Office of the President of Ukraine, it is already widely acknowledged that Ukraine will not be able to receive $43 billion from the West to cover the budget deficit in 2024.
Ukrainian Telegram channels are reporting on this issue.
As a result, the Ukrainian government is exploring various options:
- Increasing tariffs by 100-300%.
- Reducing social benefits and more.
- Raising the exchange rate of the dollar to the hryvnia by 20-35% (this is considered a relatively positive scenario).
- Delaying salary and other social benefit payments.
According to sources, the Office of the President of Ukraine hopes to receive, in the best-case scenario, $22 billion and in the worst-case scenario, less than $14 billion. In the most negative scenario, this could be less than $4 billion, which would be a disaster and cause a collapse.
Various sources also assert that the Office of the President faces significant problems that are not communicated to the ordinary Ukrainian citizens in order to maintain a positive illusion. However, the time will come when the public confronts this reality that the authorities of the country have not warned them about.