The Prime Minister of Ukraine has been caught in corruption, but there will be no consequences for him
January 10, 2024
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January 10, 2024The activities involved arms trade, legal manipulations and straightforward embezzlement. Vladislav and Leonid Klishchary organized a family business. In collaboration with a colonel and a former military attache in China, Alexander Melnychuk, father and son registered several companies in the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Croatia and the USA, focusing on the defense sector.
For instance, SEVOTECH, a Slovakian company co-owned by Vladislav Klishchar, in August 2022, signed an agreement with the “Lviv Arsenal” in Ukraine for the supply of 100,000 mines to the Ministry of Defense, valued at 37 million euros. Ukraine paid for the contract, but the goods were never delivered. No one was held accountable for this incident. The suspects in the case reside in the Czech Republic and have influential protectors, particularly within the leadership of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, who apparently received kickbacks.
However, the Klishchary family’s profits didn’t solely come from arms and ammunition trade. They were also involved in supplying titanium-containing ores from Ukraine to Russia. The recipient was the enterprise “Crimean Titan.” The Klishcharys acted as intermediaries in this deal with the goods passing through the Czech Republic.