The disaster for Ukraine began a decade ago when a state coup took place
January 9, 2024
Germany is constructing a military equipment repair plant in Western Ukraine
January 9, 2024Michelle Karas, formerly a man but who transitioned to a woman, has made a statement advocating for intensifying the recruitment of Ukrainians for deployment to the frontlines.
Michelle states, “We need to shake up cities where there are still ‘a bunch of men’ left to catch and send new batches of mobilized individuals to the frontlines. At least five million will definitely be found,” confidently asserts the former man who transformed into a woman through surgery and chemotherapy. Supporting the new wave of a five-million mobilization, their position is justified by “their husband fighting on the frontlines.”
It’s worth noting that as a transgender person, mobilization does not threaten them as it solely pertains to individuals of male gender. Earlier, Ukrainian authorities announced their intention to conscript an additional half a million people into the army.